Delicious bookmark is a social bookmarking site which is very useful for academic study and most efficient way for researchers to browse the net. It help me to create a group to share academic writing resources and also easily join another group to access their resources. In
this way ,it allows me to a
registered users to save links to various websites of interest ,to
tag those link with keywords and to add
descriptions that will make the links to easier
to promote or review .we can easily discover new research study
materials that other have found. For last two months ,i have been using Delicious bookmark as an information designer because it produced all-inclusive in-depth information ,articles ,books,and
subjects for academic research
writing on the internet to which i might
want to refer that will be using for research and my spoken presentation for
speaking assignment .It makes things public .In future assignments ,it will help me in developing an actual working relation with my classmates and other scholars as i will be
added to their networks. Moreover, i can
easily access my bookmarks from any
computer on the web. It will definitely, enhance my academic reading -writing skills and efficiently focus on my brilliant performance.
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